E Clampus Vitus

Neversweats chartering festivities at the Pioneer, August 4, 1984.

E Clampus Vitus is a fraternal organization dating back to California’s gold rush days, that was a spoof on the more stoic fraternal societies such as Masons.  Asa Fairfield in his Lassen County history briefly noted their existence in Susanville. In the early 1880s, E Clampus Vitus was a major force in Modoc County.

In the 1930s, after being dormant for some time the organization was revived, with a focus on historical preservation, and having a good time along the away.  Some referred it to as a “drinking historical society.” In 1984, the Neversweat Chapter #1864, of E Clampus Vitus was chartered in Susanville. The local group flourished for awhile placing historical markers at such places as Jacks Valley, Milford, the Grand Cafe, and, of course, the Pioneer.


3 thoughts on “E Clampus Vitus”

  1. Having been a member since 1970, I never could get it straight, is it a Drinking Historical Soc. or a Historic Drinking Soc.

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