Diamond Mountain Mining Revival

Lassen Mail, July 3, 1931

Mining goes through cycles, especially prone to boom and bust episodes. Gold mining on Diamond Mountain was no exception. Very little activity was done from World War I through the 1920s. During the depression of the 1930s, jobs and money were scarce. An interest in the abandoned mines on Diamond Mountain came to the forefront. The first venture was Diamond Mountain Mines, Inc., a group of Susanville businessmen. This company focused on seven different old mines. Others, too, would join in the mining frenzy there during the 1930s. While no one was getting rich, money was made. In 1942, a presidential Executive Order put a halt on gold mining during World War II.


One thought on “Diamond Mountain Mining Revival”

  1. Very interesting. Do you have any information about any similar revivals of copper mining in the area during approximately the same time?

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