Caloreta (Wendel) School

Caloreta School, Wendel, 1916. Courtesy of D.M. Durst Collection
Caloreta School, Wendel, 1916. Courtesy of D.M. Durst Collection

On November 28, 1913, the residents of Wendel petitioned for a school district, they named Caloreta, and the County Board of Supervisors approved it. On August 8, 1914, a bond election for $1,060 was held and approved by its fifteen registered voters. The school building itself is unique as it was constructed from native stone, whereas other rural schools were wooden framed structures. By 1919 the school was defunct. In 1922, the school re-opened, but not as Caloreta. When the Caloreta School District went defunct it was annexed to the Amedee School District. In 1922, the school operations at Amedee were moved to Wendel and occupied the Caloreta schoolhouse. Thus, the Caloreta School was now the Amedee School.

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