Books, etc

You might want to take a moment to browse the selection of books found elsewhere on this site. Besides books, there is a lot of material that can keep you preoccupied. After all folks, having been self contained/quarantined from November 15 to February 15, due to my broken leg recovery—its not difficult or the end of world.. With the right attitude you might be amazed of all kinds of things to tend to around your immediate environs. Finally, at the same time be grateful for all things that surround you.

In addition, this is a good time as any that you may want to introduce a friend or two to this site. For some of them, it might be just a needed diversion for them to learn more about this fascinating territory. After all, I have some intriguing posts scheduled—Bocce Ball Courts in Susanville to fossil finds in the area. As always, stayed tuned.


P.S. – There are a few titles that are at a bargain price, because I never changed the special offer some time ago.

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