Bizz Johnson Trail Markers

The original Lassen County Hospital would be one of the topics on the tour.
The original Lassen County Hospital would be one of the topics on the tour.

This was one of those Your Topics request, that almost requires a way back machine to retrieve.  It has never been forgotten, but while the good intentions has always been there, a fate of bad karma for one reason or another seems to get in the way.

In my files, I have various pamphlets concerning the Bizz Johnson Trail, and for those not familiar with it, the old railroad line connecting Susanville and Westwood was converted into a trail. At one time, markers with numbers were placed along the trail, and with the corresponding pamphlet that gave a history of the site featured.  Hopefully, one day through the Bureau of Land Management, a copy can be made in a PDF format, that I can post for future reference for everyone.

In the meantime, which I did mention to those who attended the Inspiration Point Tour, that I am working on a tour probably from Susanville’s South Lassen Street Trailhead to Hobo Camp, as there are many historic sites along this short corridor. Stay tuned. On the other hand, if you are interested in this tour, let me know.


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