Before the “Bizz”

Tunnel No. 1, Susan River Canyon, 1974.

One of popular local attractions is the Bizz Johnson Trail. It is a Rails to Trails Project to convert the abandoned railroad line between Susanville and Westwood. Like many projects it did not happen overnight. When it was first proposed in 1978, there was some local opposition.

Anyhow, the project moved forward. There was a lot of work to be done to make the conversion a reality—like the removal of the rails and ties. In the summer/fall of 1981, Jim Dobbas of Truckee, a salvage operator had the job to remove the said rails and ties. For a time there was an impressive site of stacked rails and ties at the Susanville Depot. A portion of the re-usable rails were donated to the Virginia and Truckee Railroad.

Depot 78
Susanville Depot, September 1978.

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