Ask Tim

The former Stone Ranch, Eagle Lake, circa 1974

On a quarterly basis, I ask you the reader, if there is something you would like to learn more about or maybe its something you heard, but question its validity. So here is an opportunity to participate. I will do my best to answer any questions. It should be noted, it may take awhile for the answer to appear as a post. The primary reason, many of the daily posts are done nearly a month in advance. So by the time you read this I am already working on posts for the middle of November, or at least I should be. Whatever the case may be, I look forward to hearing from you. Of course, it should be noted that paid subscribers requests receive priority. In addition, you can always send a request at any time.


2 thoughts on “Ask Tim”

  1. Thank you so much Tim! You have given me hope that I will be able to learn as much local history as I can find. I also appreciate you signing the book I purchased from you. Also, for writing about Ed and Nancy Chappuis! I greatly appreciate your hard work and dedication! There is so much I want to inquire about and research as well. I will stay in touch!

  2. Hello Tim!!! I will be subscribing today. In the meantime I live in the ghost town of Flannigan NV. Located in the Honey Lake Valley. I’m about 2ish miles from Dead Cow plya. I would love to learn as much as I can about this Ghost Town. There is very little online. There is an unmarked cemetery and I need to know more about it. My goal is I would like to restore it. It’s over grown and a shame to look at. Who’s buried where and all that in tails. My main goal is to make it look presentable and pretty. It’s just a crying shame it’s condition now. I live off of high rock rd so I’m not far from it. Like you, my husband is a published author through Creative Text publisher. Thank you so much for even possibly reading this and I hope to hear from you eventually!
    Denise Liscom

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