Ask Tim

Hallelujah Junction

On a quarterly basis, I ask you the reader, if there is something you would like to learn more about or maybe its something you heard, but question its validity. So here is an opportunity to participate. I will do my best to answer any questions. It should be noted, it may take awhile for the answer to appear as a post. The primary reason, many of the daily posts are done nearly a month in advance. So by the time you read this I am already working on posts for the middle of February, or at least I should be. Whatever the case may be, I look forward to hearing from you. Of course, it should be noted that paid subscribers requests receive priority. In addition, you can always send a request at any time.


3 thoughts on “Ask Tim”

  1. Tim,
    Do you know the purpose of the helipad that is located above the Ranch Park? Was it strictly for training or was it used for operational purposes?

  2. Tim, Maybe I’ve missed it but how about something about Granite Creek Station outside of Gerlach?

  3. I’ve asked this before and am not sure if any data is available for you to comment on. But, when someone comes to home stead in the Lassen areas the always buy from someone who already owns the property they buy and build a house or something. Somewhere that land was open and nobody owned it and someone put in a claim for them to be the first owners (landgrant from federal government) or something like in the old pioneers days. You may not have access to such data. If not then I will stop bothering you about it.

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