Adins Turns 150!

Adin 1879
Adin, 1879

If you have not made any plans for the weekend, you might want to head north to Adin for its 150th birthday celebration on June 29 and 30.

For those not familiar, Adin is located just a mile north of the Lassen County line in Modoc County, Adin benefited from Lassen County’s largest mining town of Hayden Hill, located twelves miles to the south.

As a matter of fact in the same year that Adin was founded in 1869, gold was discovered at Hayden Hill. It should be noted that Adin’s founder and its namesake, Adin McDowell, was a member of the prospecting party that discovered the gold at Hayden Hill.

When times were good at Hayden Hill, they were even better at Adin. By 1877, Adin was the largest town in Modoc County. In addition, it was only second to Susanville in the amount of business transactions conducted in Northeastern California.

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