A Westwood Hospital Request

Isolation Ward, Lassen County Hospital, 1947

The Westwood Hospital had a small building adjacent to it, that was used to quarantine patients who had highly infectious virus. This was a common practice many years ago to have a small separate facility to quarantine patients. Some of these buildings were a bit sketchy and less than desirable accommodation. This you can easily see with the above illustration of the isolation ward of the Lassen County Hospital in 1947. When the first hospital was built in Lassen County, it was far removed from Susanville proper, so it was not necessary for a separate facility.

Back to the matter at hand. Does any one have, or knows some one who has a photograph of the quarantine building of the Westwood Hospital.


One thought on “A Westwood Hospital Request”

  1. A friend sent me this about the Quarantine building.
    “I. Don’t have a picture but remember visiting my Dad there when he had Scarlet Fever. It had a low front porch…..maybe three steps up and a centered front door. We visited through the large window on the right. I don’t remember if there was a window on the left but I don’t think so. It was white. The window did not have separate panes but was one large single glass window. I was about 8-10 years old so don’t remember much more than that.”

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