A Scandinavian Colony?

Amedee, 1916. Courtesy of Tom Armstrong

From the 1890s through the 1920s, there was a colony movement in the American West. As readers may recall Standish was a planned utopian colony based on the beliefs of Myles Standish. When Litchfield came to being in 1913, the promoters took a much more subtle approach with its Litchfield Acres.

The next proposed colony, one comprised of Scandinavians to be located on the east shore of Honey Lake, south of Amedee.  This was in 1915, Rosendal Minster was the promoter, He even named the settlement after him—Rosendale.  Minster had a lease/option to purchase the lands and the pumping plant of the Standish Water Company. He then formed the Farmer’s Land Company to operate the holdings.. The properties were split into 40-acre tracts with a price range of $45 to $65 per acre. He was able to attract a handful of settlers. While Minster vigorously promoted the project, but due to debts he quickly accrued, he abandoned it the following year.


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