A Once Upon a Time Ritual

Plowing the Paul Bunyan Road, April 7, 1948—Fred Lendman

In the last century when lumber was king in the Lassen region there was the annual ritual each spring to open logging railroads and/or logging roads each spring in preparation for that season’s logging operations.

Catepillar Tractor representatives were ever present since the logging industry was one of its biggest clients. They also captured many activities on film of their equipment, such as above.  The company provided the following description: “One of two Caterpillar Diesel D7 Tractors with No 7S Bulldozer opening the main logging road near Susanville, California. 1 to 2 1/2 of snow—15 miles of road to clear. Will take the two Tractors three days to do the job. Will produce 25 million bd. ft. of lumber—90% ponderosa pine.”

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