A Living Memorial Revisited

Carl Bearup’s marker at the base of a American sycamore tree planted in his honor.

On July 8, 2015 the featured post that day was a A Living Memorial.” In 1940 the local American Legion Post began a project that would result in two objectives. One was a beautification program for the Lassen County Courthouse property, that would serve a second purpose as a living memorial. They planted seventeen American sycamore trees, one each for every Lassen County man that perished in the “Great War” as World War I was referred to then. It was their intent that that at the base of each tree a plaque would be placed with that service man’s name. In the meantime, with so much focused on the war effort leading into World War II, that detail was put on the sideline, and like so many other community projects started in that era, were forgotten after the war ended.

Fast forward to the fall of 2018 and it is with great joy that the project has come full circle. Ryan Elison, as part of project to obtain the Eagle Scout rank with Boy Scouts completed the goal started seventy-eight years ago! Ryan, with some outside help, was responsible to place memorial markers at each tree as originally intended.


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