A.K. Philbrook—A Tribute

A.K. Philbrook and his new buggy in front of the Sol Nathan residence on Roop Street. Courtesy of Philip S. Hall

Long time Lassen County resident, Alonzo Kelly Philbrook, died in Susanville on April 22, 1936, at the age 76. Philbrook had moved to Susanville in 1900 where he family ties. While Philbrook was in furniture business, in that era, most assumed the occupation of undertaker, since they had everything at their disposal to make coffins.

What was extremely unusual about Philbrook’s passing was the Lassen Mail published “A Tribute” to him, something that paper, or its competitor the Lassen Advocate rarely did. The following is that published account, and third paragraph does stand out.

“With the passing of A.K. Philbrook on Wednesday of this, Susanville and Lassen County lost a valuable citizen.

“The aged ex-county official has been long known throughout this section of the state and his passing will be felt deeply by many persons. His character, integrity and personality were such that no resume need be written for them.

“In common with the majority of humanity, Alonzo Philbrook did not find life all a ‘bed of roses.’ To each of us is certain to come a certain amount of ill fortune Mr. Philbrook was no exception to the rule. However, his adversities were met with the same unfailing cheerfulness and ‘chin up’ attitude which marked his entire career.

His passing is sincerely regretted by the entire community and the Lassen Mail wishes to add its condolences on the passing of a fine old gentleman who earned his place in the hearts of his neighbors and fellow citizens.”


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