A House Makeover

Ranker Residence—Ardell Torrey

Architecture is one of my many interests. Personally, much of today’s building designs are rather bland, whether commercial or residential. Today, we examine the Mattison house, which originally was not a stand out.

In 1879, Otto Ranker came to Susanville from Oroville to operate a blacksmith shop. In 1884, he located what was referred to as four corners, about two miles east of present day Standish. Like many homesteaders before and after him, he first lived in a small three room cabin. As needed, another room would be added, and so forth. In the early 1890s, he had a second story built that consisted of four bedrooms. In 1900, he moved to Chico for health reasons, but rented his ranch..

Mattison House
Mattison House, near Standish

In 1906, Ranker sold the property to Fred Mattison. Shortly afterwards Mattison had the house remodeled. Mattison died in 1926, but his wife’s family continued to occupy the property. In the early 1950s, during a cold winter the pipes froze. Hal Story crawled underneath the house with a blow torch to thaw the pipes. Instead, of thawing the pipes, he caught the house on fire and the residence destroyed.


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