2015 Revisited

Main entrance to the Susanville Cemetery, February 8, 2015, after the windstorm.

Today, marks the fourth anniversary of the launch of this website. It had a rocky start, when an extremely severe windstorm hit the region, knocking out the power. For some, the electricity was out for eight hours, for others nearly three days.  In any case, since then, it has been an interesting learning curve for me.

 Member Login has been the most frustrating feature, that has a mind of its own, and has not wanted to work. A perfect example occurred on September 1, 2015. That particular post, I had blocked from the public, so subscribers would have to login to view. Lo and behold, the post remained blocked, but the login feature did not work, so it was blocked from everyone.  I set up the experiment a few weeks earlier, though when the day arrived I was in the hospital with a fractured hip, and was in Nevada hospitals long enough that I could have applied for residency!  Anyhow, I have spent the last several weeks tinkering with it, to no avail.

Why the Member Login is important, in my opinion. It is the paid subscribers whose support helps maintain the site, and certain features should only be available to them. Once the Walking Guide Page is up, it will be a members only feature, thus to provide an incentive for non-subscribers to join.  There are some historic films that I would like to make available, which again would subscribers only.

Then again, I could just scrap the Member Login, and just continue as is. Of course, I am open to any suggestions you might have.


One thought on “2015 Revisited”

  1. I agree with your login (albeit only if it works!). That’s the point of subscribing. I would also join the other sites you are mentioning here. Membership and logins!!

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