Happy Thanksgiving

Dining Room, Folsom Ranch, Willow Creek Valley, circa 1900. Courtesy of Mary Dale Folsom

First of all, I want to thank the donors and subscribers to this site. It means a lot to me, in addition for the moral support. By providing these daily posts, it is one way for me to give back to the community, and equally important to share all of the knowledge I have acquired over the years.

I thought the above photograph would be rather appropriate for a day like this. The Folsom family operated a ranch in the Willow Creek Valley from 1871 to 1907, before retiring from agricultural pursuits. Today the property is that of the Willow Creek wildlife refuge.

It should duly noted that M.O. Folsom left a lasting impact with his real estate investments, acquiring them just at the right time. For example he owned Clear Creek, before Red River emerged on the scene. He also owned the land that became the mills sites for Fruit Growers Supply Company and Lassen Lumber & Box Company. The list is endless.


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