A Damming Problem

Nevis Dam under construction, that was later abandoned.

When the Great Western Power Company was ready to build a dam at Big Meadows, to flood it and create Lake Almanor,  they ran into a few problems.  The first site they chose, it turned out to be on property they did not own and was quickly abandoned.  In April 1912, construction began  on a multiple arch dam.  When the construction crew struck an impervious layer of clay that allowed for a subsurface seepage of water. It was decided later on down the road, that condition could affect the dam’s stability.  In April 1913, a new site was chosen,  and would be gravity fill instead of multiple arch.  In addition, it was decided to build seventy-two foot high dam. The reduction in height meant the new reservoir would only be half the capacity.  In 1925, the dam was rasied by forty-five feet. In 1962, the dam was raised a final time by sixteen feet.


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