The Founder of Drakesbad

E.R. Drake

A native of Maine, Edward Russell Drake came to California in 1850. After nearly a decade roaming around the Golden State he located in northern Plumas County where he spent his time prospecting and trapping.  In the spring of 1884, Drake was overcome with health problems and spent an extended stay at Gilroy Hot Springs.  In 1885, when he returned he relocated at Thomas Malgin’s abandoned homestead at the far end of Warner Valley, which included Hot Springs Creek.  Over time he assembled ownership of 400 acres. Drake made many improvements to the property and the place became commonly known as Drake’s Springs. In 1890, with the assistance of Russell Whitcomb, built the the first lodge, that stood until it was crushed in the heavy snows of 1937-38. In 1900, Drake sold out to Susanville school teacher for Alex Sifford for $6,000. In 1914, the place was renamed Drakesbad. Drake, it should be noted passed away in 1904 at Chico, California at the age of 73.


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