Purdy Brothers Logging Co.

An interesting day at Purdy Brothers Logging.

Some readers knew my father Leroy W. Purdy, who was quite the character in his own right. For nearly fifteen years, he, along with his brother James, operated Purdy Brothers Logging. While today is Father’s Day, I think of dear old Dad often. While I spent a lot of time with him, and asked lots of questions, there are times when something arises that I wish I could ask him. While sorting through my parent’s house last year, I found the above photograph. I wish I knew the story behind this episode, I am sure it was an amusing and entertaining one.


7 thoughts on “Purdy Brothers Logging Co.”

  1. Yes I remember Leroy Purdy, He did not let any thing stop him from doing what he wanted to do . I remember when he had a cast on his left leg . He took the left door off a pickup truck and made a rack to hang his leg in and drove where he wanted to go his self. Do you have a photo of that? He was a few years older than me but I remember him well . I was about 24 years old when he had his leg in that cast.

  2. The rock won! Another of the fabled Purdy stories. Tim, your Dad…and probably uncle…contributed to the fabric of the community. Bar tales!

  3. My first “car” was a ‘56 Willys Jeep truck. Looked just like this one, without the squashed rear end! 🙂

  4. Those old Willys Pickups were fantastic and extremely rugged vehicles, but in this case , I do believe the owner exceeded the manufacturer’s recommended load weights ……….

  5. My older brother David Wood worked for Purdy Brothers as a fire watch and drove that same kind of jeep pickup, maybe that one in 1956-1958??? above Doyle. My Dad, John Wood worked for them as a choker setter.

  6. My Father, Cleve Stephens, knew your Father. I remember him talking to my Mother about him, but I can’t remember what the conversations were about.

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