Possible Tour Dates

Part of the troops on the Summer Solstice 2017 trip. Thank you Margaret for the photograph.

It is that time of year to focus on some outdoor activities.  First, I would like to receive some input as to possible dates and attendance.

Saturday, May 5 –  Inspiration Point Tour.

Thursday, June 21 – The Summer Solstice Tour at Belfast. This one is for those early morning types, since departure time is shortly after five a.m.

June-September – Susanville Mural Tours. What I have been tinkering with is the Saturday of each month, starting at 10:00 a.m. and it would be about an hour. The presentation not only includes the information about each mural, about some history about each building they adorn. Take for instance the Big Wheels Mural on Cottage Street. That building was constructed in 1947 for Williams Furniture.

Hope to hear from you!

One thought on “Possible Tour Dates”

  1. Yes, T, I’d like to.attend several of the mural programs and ? ? However this summer climbing is pretty much off my.list. We’ll be up there soon.

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