March Preview

Pete’s Creek, 1916. Courtesy of Betty B. Deal

As usual there is an interesting line-up of topics for March.  There is Eagle Lake Architecture, the Red River Lumber Company’s rumor mill, the proposed dumping ground in eastern Honey Lake Valley of the 1960s, the Amedee Lime Kilns to broaden one’s horizon about the area’s diverse and rich heritage.

However, fasten your seat belt, because it is going to be a bumpy ride. I am in a transition period between my old computer and a new one.  There might be some interruptions or other items that go haywire, due not only to the upgraded software, which also effects the particular Word Press that is used for this site.  The last few months have been a substantial learning curve and I still have a ways to go.

Thanks not only for patience, but your continued support.


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