Brockman and Jensen Sloughs are man made irrigation ditches originating from Susan River, at the east end of Susanville, with the diversion point of Woodstock Dam. The dam was constructed in 1861 by Loyal Woodstock and Luther Spencer, and constructed a small irrigation ditch on their adjacent land. It was in that same year, that Woodstock planted the first crop of alfalfa in the Honey Lake Valley.
Woodstock’s downstream neighbors liked his irrigation system. On May 4, 1875, W.W. Scholl, John Cahlan, William Brockman, Jurgen Jensen and Fred Hines extended Woodstock’s irrigation ditch and about a mile from the original diversion, the original ditch was split into two, the northern one became known as Jensen Slough and the southern Brockman Slough.
With the 3 Brockman boys (Bill, Emmett & Lester) not having any sons to carry on the name on that side of the family, I am glad to see it not only on Brockman Slough but also on Brockman Canyon, Brockman Flat, Brockman Rd, Brockman Horse Camp, Brockman Gravel Pit and also W.C. Brockman as Supervisor for Lassen County on the corner stone of the old historic jail on Lassen Street. Thanks Tim!
Used to fish on the North side of Honey lake, guess that’s where the water came from ?