Lonely Graves – Joseph B. Todd

Todd's grave, September 9, 1979
Todd’s grave, September 9, 1979

This grave was briefly mentioned during the St. Patrick’s Cemetery Tour, as his sister Matilda Todd Montgomery  grave was the start of the tour.

Joseph Bellas Todd was born October 16, 1828 at Anterim County, Ireland, and shortly thereafter the family migrated to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1857, he became the first member of his family to locate Honey Lake Valley and located on a small parcel near Richmond. In the next few years, his  four sisters–Matilda Montgomery, Margaret Streshley, Mary Drake, Sarah Emerson Hosselkus and one brother, John would make their homes there as well.

A confirmed bachelor, Joe Todd remained on his small ranch for next fifty-one years. At the age of 80, he moved to Susanville to reside with his nephew Charlie Emerson. When he died on October 21, 1910, his last request that he be buried on his beloved homestead, and the family obliged.

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