Tuesday Tidbit – Storyettes From Stacy

Caudle Brothers well drilling outfit, eastern Honey Lake Valley, 1910.

Note: Stacy was a small community in eastern Honey Lake Valley located between Amedee and the Nevada State line. In 1914, a weekly correspondent to the Lassen Advocate provided that newspaper of the activities of that region. From time to time on Tuesdays I will provide excerpts.

30 January 1914 – E.J. Howard finally got his steam traction drilling rig moved to the railroad near J.R. Burgess’ place and is now putting down a well for the S.P. Company at the signal tower where the Fernleyy & Lassen crosses the Western Pacific at Flanigan.

30 January 1914 – D.H. Gavin has been drilling a well for a desert entryman, but at 300 feet had not struck the water bearing strata.

30 January 1914 – C.W. Dickey has ordered from C.R. Caudle a propeller pump that can be inserted in drilled wells, seven inches drain and larger, to a depth of 140 feet, and a thorough test made of all stratas of water in the well to that depth. or what will rise from lower stratas up to that point or higher. It is not thought practical to pump from greater depths if it can be avoided. But the time is coming when pumping from 300 and 500 feet depths will be practicable and profitable.


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