The Peconom family is one of the better known Maidu families. If you noticed that I highlighted the name in bold, there is a reason. The family name has been misspelled for years with a um instead of the proper om. Of course, the name spelling was brought to light, during the proposed name change of the first branch of Willard Creek to Roxie Peconum Creek to commemorate Roxie Yoanna Peconum (1851-1958), well-known member of the Maidu tribe, who gathered roots and berries in the region. However, some thought the name should be for the Peconom family, and not an individual family member. If it was to be the latter, the name should be Yoanna Creek for Roxie. Whatever the case may be, on February 11, 1993 U.S. Board of Geographic Names approved the name change to Roxie Peconum Creek.