How I select topics is done entirely at random, many are accidental in nature. I might come across a photograph that I find of interest and write something about it. Then again, while researching one topic, I will stumble across something of interest to share.
With that in mind, I thought I would ask you the reader, is there something you would like to learn more or maybe its something you heard but question its validity. So here is an opportunity to participate. I will do my best to answer any questions. It should be noted, it may take awhile for the answer to appear as a post. The primary reason, many of the daily posts are done nearly a month in advance. For instance, this item was composed on July 13. So by the time you read this, I am already working on posts in the middle of November. Whatever the case may be, I look forward to hearing from you. Of course, it should be noted that paid subscribers requests receive priority.
In addition, I do have two requests pending: R.J. Scott and Susanville’s “seedier” side. I had hope to had them posted by now, but circumstances beyond my control prevented that from happening.
Tim Purdy
I would like to know about the history of the Shinn Ranch. Thank You!! Hope you are on the mend.
You are not the only one, I have been working on it. I believe I have it scheduled for November 2.
How about something on the college, age, majors etc.
The Lassen County history of jazz great Dave Brubeck(birthday December 6) and the Brubeck clan.
It is already done and scheduled for that December date.
Yes. Nothing scheduled until late December, paid subscribers receive priority.
How about some history on Kitty Joaquin, Gladys Mankins Mother? Or more about the Bear Dance that Gladys Mankins hosted at her place for years on Janesville Grade?
How about “Honey Lake Heaven”.