The Tax Man Cometh

With the first installment of county property taxes due shortly, let’s take a look back in time.  In the first year of Lassen County’s operation, 1864-65,  there was a total assessed valuation of $239,558 in land improvements and $439,301 in personal property. The County had an original tax rate of $1.25 on each $100 assessed value for County purposes, plus collected another $1.25 on each assessed value for State purposes. The total collection in taxes amounted to $16, 971.47 of which the County received $8,485.57.

In the County’s first year of operation, the District Attorney attempted to collect $958.95 in back taxes, which represented nearly eleven percent of the County’s budget. The District Attorney filed lawsuits ranging from A.H. Hardin who owed 90 cents in a special assessment levied by the Janesville School District  to $164.40, which Isaac Roop owed on his municipal Piute Creek water system.


One thought on “The Tax Man Cometh”

  1. There are some historic Pioneer names on that roster. Friends with some of their relatives. Wonder if they ever paid up.

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