Timing Is Everything

Lake Helen, Lassen Volcanic National Park

Being at the right place at the right time makes a big difference. The same goes in the opposite direction with bad timing. Lassen Volcanic National Park’s creation on August 9, 1916 was a perfect example of bad timing. Before the park observed its first anniversary the United States was at war with Germany, which affects set off World War I. Park funding, especially a new one was not high priority.  In 1919, at the conclusion of World War I an economic crisis was looming on the horizon—a recession. It did not help matters, that with exception of Lassen’s volcanic eruption few people in Congress knew anything about the place. At least the park had a friend by the name of California Congressman John Raker. Raker lobbied hard to obtain the needed appropriations for Lassen Park and by the mid-1920s the spigot finally opened and money for park development finally came forth. In 1925, Raker led a special congressional delegation to visit the park and a stay at Drakesbad. It was successful, but Raker never lived long enough to see the fruition of his hard work, as he passed away in 1926.


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