Tuesday Tidbit—A Railroad Question

Southern Pacific train, Secret Valley, 1936—C.H. Bennett Collection

Secret Valley CCC Company Clerk, C.H.Bennett provided the following caption of this photograph, “It would happen.”

Now, I am not sure what he meant. There are subscribers, who have a lot more knowledge about train movement, rolling stock, etc., than I will ever possess. It appears, that may be the train is stalled, though I am not sure what the activity is going on. Can anyone enlighten?

By the way, starting next week I will begin a series of articles concerning the varied activities of the Secret Valley CCC camp, which played an interesting role of the region’s history during the 1930s and I can attest there will be some surprising stories, including Lassen County’s first culinary school!


2 thoughts on “Tuesday Tidbit—A Railroad Question”

  1. I am so excited for the next series! Thank you for your time and research – The things I learn from you about my little home town are a joy to my day.

  2. It looks to me like the train stopped across the roadway when the CCC crew wanted to cross, perhaps for a Saturday night out…

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