Ice Skating on Barry and more

Barry Reservoir from Skyline Drive, February 13, 2016.

First of all, my apologies for last Saturday’s very incomplete post on ice skating on Barry Reservoir, just north of Susanville. In the 1960s and early 1970s it was popular for ice skating. I had started work on an article last summer, then it was side lined. When December arrived I still needed to do more research. However, Mother Nature thought I should be a shut in, providing lots of snow, some rain and cold temperatures to freeze everything solid, so there went my mobility. January was a repeat of December, so it has not been option for me to get out and about to do research. I am just waiting for the spring thaw, so I can resume research, as I have several other posts drafted, but still need to do some follow up research.

In a perfect world, if everything worked accordingly you normally receive your daily notification which includes a photograph and a few lines of the beginning of the post sometime between midnight and one a.m. One day it works and then for a few days it does not. On those days, I have to manually send a message with a link. Hope to get it resolved, which there are night owls who read the daily posts in the wee hours in the morning.

Thank you for your patience.


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