Chappuis Lane, Lassen County

Ed & Nancy (Johnston) Chappuis, 1906–Betty B. Deal

Someone recently wanted to know who Chappuis Lane was so named. The Chappuis family operated a ranch along the Susan River, where the lane passes through.

In 1890, Frank Johnston filed a 160-acre homestead at that location and in 1893, moved his family there. In 1906, his daughter Nancy married Ed Chappuis. For many years it was known as the Johnston & Chappuis Ranch. After the passing of Frank Johnston in 1909, his Fred Johnston, along with Ed & Nancy Chappuis carried on. In 1951 the ranch was divided, with Nancy Chappuis retaining her father’s original ranch. Nancy and her sons—Evan, Ray and Leo—carried on for many more decades. (It should be noted that Ed Chappuis passed away in 1943).


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