Rural Free Delivery System

Janesville Masonic Hall, circa 1912. The first floor was a combination store and post office.

The Rural Free Delivery system was slow to implement. The whole purpose was to provide mail to those in rural areas, so one would not have to travel miles to obtain their mail at the nearest post office. While approved by Congress in 1896, it was slow in adoption..

Rural Fred Delivery did not reach Lassen County until 1918. When the Edgemont Post Office (located four miles east of Janesville) closed in that year the residents of that region were first to receive Rural Free Delivery. Within twelve years many of the small rural post offices in Lassen County were closed and replaced with Rural Free Delivery.

A number of the rural post offices were either in a store and/or at someone’s one home. The Merrillville Post Office, located some 15 miles north of Susanville in Willow Creek Valley is an interesting example. Established in 1875, it was located at the Folsom Ranch (now Willow Creek Wildlife Area). It would later be relocated to the Hurlbut Ranch, then to Murrer’s and then to the Stone Ranch at Eagle Lake when it was discontinued on November 30, 1928.


One thought on “Rural Free Delivery System”

  1. Always wondered what that old building was… can’t help but to notice that the Mason symbol is no longer there and the building has a cheap-looking exterior these days, did it have a second life later in the 20th century?

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