When Lumber Was King

The Susanville mills of Fruit Growers and Lassen Lumber & Box.

For newer residents of the region they might have difficulty understanding just the enomority of the size and scope of the lumber industry in Lassen County’ history. Even residents a century ago, knew it was big, but how big.

In 1926, Charles Mitchell of the Westwood Auto Club compiled some interesting data that he presented at a Lassen County Chamber of Commerce meeting.

””At the present time the standing timber in California amounts to 253 billion board feet. There are 105 billion feet of white pine, 32 billion feet of sugar pine, 33 billion feet of white fir, 50 billion feet of Douglas fir, 9 billion feet of incense cedar and 24 billion of other species.

”Natural growth and reproduction are adding 250 million feet annually. Conservative estimates show supply of these woods. will last at present rate of production for fully two centuries*

”The annual production in Lassen County is one and one-half billion board feet. White and sugar pine slightly more than one billion feet. Footage used as follows: 33 million for sash and door frames; 70 million for interior trim and exterior finish; 50 million for industrial uses; 200 million for boards—dimension for construction, sheathing and forms; 350 million for box and crating materials.

“Lassen County is the biggest lumber producing county in California. The Lassen County cut is 350,000,000 feet or one-fourth of the entire state.

”There are five mills in Lassen County with a capital of $15,000,000. The men employed total 6,000. The monthly payroll is $600,000.”

*There were skeptics about the comment that the timber supply would last for two centuries.


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