A Glimpse of 1926 Lassen County Voters

Partial Cover of the 1928 Great Register, since I do not have one for 1926.

In a by gone era, the Lassen County Great (Voter’s) Register was printed and distributed to the poll workers. In 1926, Lassen Mail printed the primary election register. The newspaper published a story about some of the odd data found— there were 4, 989 names.

“Our town may be in Susanville, but it don’t mean a thing to the ladies, as there are but two Susans and one Susie registered here, while there are some score or more in the county.

“The principal occupation of the men seems to be farming, with clerk and laborer running close seconds. Very few woodsmen, loggers or woods workers in proportion to the importance of our primary industry.

”One wonders how the dishes get cleaned in the restaurants, as there is not one dishwasher registered. While there are quite a number of “sheepmen” in the county, there were apparently only three “sheep herders.”

“Politically, Lake Greeno is the most overwhelmingly democratic precinct, with 14 democrats and 11 republicans, while Ravendale redeems the republican prestige with 42 republicans and 6 democrats. Pittville seems to be the most socialistic precinct with 11 registered of this affiliation and a number who refuse to give their political belief.

“Westwood precinct No. 1 is the largest precinct with 556 names and Secret the smallest with but 10. North and South Susanville are most evenly divided with 361 names each.

“Cox, Cyr, and Orr and several others vie for the honor of having the shortest name, while Schoenberger wins in a walk with the longest name of 14 letters.

“Providence precinct is unique to that every one of its 20 voters gives their post office address as Adin, which is outside of the county. in which they reside in and vote.”


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