Seven Years and Counting

Constantia Church, Doyle, July 12, 2021—Ronda Dockstader

Today, marks the anniversary of launching this website and the posts, and it has been quite the journey.  I am constantly learning something new about the region. In addition, I learn from you the reader with your questions, that allows me to explore something I did not know, too. Also, awhile back another milestone was observed, with the crossing over the 2,500 posts. Last July, Updraft a subscription service that creates a backup file, informed me that I was approaching maximum storage, and so I added more. It just goes to show, how much material that can be gleaned from this website.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank  those who subscribe and support this endeavor. Equally, important are the words of encouragement, which is much appreciated.

Now, back to regular programming, and I have made a lot of head way for the postings in 2022.



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