Skedaddle Creek Gallery

Maude Newman ,Alson Newman and Mamie Caudle—Photo by Marvin Caudle

Last month when I took a poll as to whether to include Skedaddle Creek photograph in the 2022 calendar, everyone who replied were for it.

Since it was a go, I stated that I had several other photographs taken there during the 1922 outing, that I would share. The group consisted of Stacy residents, Alson & Maude Newman and Mamie & Marvin Caudle.

Marvin Caudle—C.R. Caudle Collection

This just illustrates that there are so many nooks and crannies throughout the region to investigate.

Skedaddle Creek Canyon, 1922–C.R. Caudle Collection
Skedaddle Canyon/Creek, 1922–C.R. Caudle

And this was photograph, that started the discussion. On the left is Marvin Caudle and next to him Alson Newman.


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