Paradise City, Lassen County

Hayden Hill, 1909. Courtesy of Dallas & Joyce Snider
Hayden Hill, 1909. Courtesy of Dallas & Joyce Snider

During the early years of Hayden Hill in the 1870s and 1880s numerous little encampments within a three mile radius sprang up. Paradise City was one of the earliest mining camps adjacent to Hayden Hill. In 1872-73, according to the Lassen County Assessment Rolls, Joseph Miles owned a house and lot in Paradise City—though no records of any subdivision is known for that place or for that matter Hayden Hill. Paradise City was also the location of the Providence Mining Company’s quartz mill. It was the first quartz mill constructed at Hayden Hill. This mill would crush the rock so that the gold could be extracted. Incidentally, that mill was hauled to the Hill from its original location at Hardin City in the Black Rock Desert.

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