True Island, Honey Lake Valley

Thaxter True—-Fred & Alyce Bangham

While many travelers along Highway 395 by Honey Lake have seen this landmark, but had no idea it had a name or what they were actually seeing. Located on the lower southwest side of Honey Lake, near Bird Flat is True Island. When the lake is full it is almost actually a “true island” with water nearly encircling it. But that is not why it is called such.

In 1870, Thaxter True (1824-1904) moved to Milford and opened a blacksmith shop. One of True’s blacksmithing techniques was unique. As Claude Wemple recalled “True used charcoal. True would dig a six foot deep pit and fill it with green pine rails. It was then covered with straw. True would then burn it to smolder and cover it with dirt. The charcoals from one pit would last him about a year.” Anyhow, True later took up a 160-acre homestead on what is known as True Island. He sold the property in 1901 to Sumner Tyler for $500.


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