It’s Election Day

Lassen County Courthouse, October 1924–Boyd Benham/Connie Boomer

It is Election Day so hope every one votes. Having been a former election official, I can attest there is a great deal of work that goes on behind the scene  to put on election.

Anyhow, something a little off topic for those political junkies. In December 1938, Senator Edmund R. Burke, of Nebraska introduced a constitutional amendment wherein it would limit future presidents of the United States to one six-year term. It was not a new idea. Burke cited that the Democratic national convention in 1912 placed a plank in its platform calling for a single term. Burke stated, “Six years would be sufficient for a president to place his program into operation. Such a term would remove the president, immediately upon his induction into office from consideration of a second term and could concentrate this energies.” In conclusion, Burke noted, it would remove the president from a dual responsibility—as the head of the nation and as head of the party which elected him.


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