A Town Lot Promotion

An 1892 Amedee Real Estate Ad.

In 1891-92 during Amedee’s initial boomtown period, there were promotions of the town galore. One campaign to attract families to the town was for the first baby born there. The sponsors agreed the first child born in Amedee would receive a choice town lot. If the baby was a boy, the family would receive a month’s free board at the Hotel Amedee; for a girl a one-year subscription to the town’s newspaper the Amedee Geyser. Amedee’s first native son was born on August 19, 1892, a son to Marion and Hattie Bringham. They named the new addition to the family—-Robert Amedee Bringham. The family never received a town lot or free lodging at the hotel. The following year, Marion Bringham, who operated a saloon at Amedee, moved his family to Reno, Nevada. Robert A. Bringham served in World War I and would eventually have a career with the Veterans Administration. He died on November 19, 1973.

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