The Great Standish Fire

Standish Creamery, 1907

In the early morning hours of July 17, 1929, the largest fire in the history of Standish occurred. At that time, a next door neighbor to the Standish Creamery saw the roof of that building on fire. Quickly, a volunteer farmer-firemen bucket brigade assembled to combat the blaze. It became readily apparent early on that the creamery could not be saved. All efforts focused on containing the fire and to prevent it from spreading to nearby residences and stores. By the time the sun rose, the creamery was a pile of smoldering rubble. Approximately, $1,500 worth of butter and cream went up in the flames. The total loss was valued at $20,000 and was only partially insured. It was owned by the C.E. Emerson Company of Susanville. Cause of the fire, a defective flue.


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