A Good Showing

Cinder Cone, 1908—-Sifford Collection

Lassen County has many times displayed its “can do spirit.” An interesting example occurred in the fall of 1929 with its exhibit at the Los Angeles County Fair. Lassen County had a two pronged exhibit. What generated considerable interest among fair attendants was a very large relief map depicting the various landmarks of the eastern portion of Lassen Volcanic National Park, located in Lassen County. The judges took notice and the exhibit won a silver medal.

Produce exhibit Lassen County Fair, 1926.

The other half of the display featured a wide variety of produce from the Honey Lake Valley. The crops displayed came from the following farmers: T.D. Woodham (Litchfield), George Bigelow (Litchfield), Mark Stewart (Standish), Charles January (Janesville), Will Dill (Wendel), Clark Bros. (Susanville), J.H. Lambert (Standish) and J.H. McClelland, (Standish).


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