Amedee School Dedication

Amedee School, 1916. D.M. Durst Collection

It was a long time coming but on Saturday, September 23, 1916 the Amedee School house held a dedication with ninety-one people attending. The school district had been established in 1893, but it never had a school building to call its own.

On April 7, 1916 a $1,500 school bond election was held. It passed by a large margin with a voter turnout of 100 percent—16 yes and four no votes. The bungalow style building was built by J. C. Thornburg and was located a block north of the Hotel Amedee.

The life span of the school was short. In a few short years the region would experience a major de-population. In 1922, the school was closed and operations moved to Wendel. In 1936, Maybelle Johnson purchased the building, moved it eight miles to the east and converted it into a private residence. It stands today in a dilapidated state.

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