Standish Cemetery

The grave of Mary Pringle, Standish Cemetery

Standish was a well designed utopian community. Yet, it shared a trait with many other communities that having a cemetery was an after thought. Those who initially passed away there were interred in the Janesville or Susanville Cemeteries. This changed in 1901 with the passing of Mary Pringle. Her husband, James and her were one of the first people to take up residence at Standish. She was buried in a field approximately 300 yards west of the Standish Bible Church on property at that time owned by Jim Elledge. Over the course of years only a handful people were buried there. As Jessie McKay Lowe who lived in Standish during the early 1900s noted the cemetery was abandoned because it would become completely under water at irrigation time. In 1909, the graves of Minnie Winslow and Bruce Ganyon were disinterred and moved to the Janesville Cemetery. The last burial to occur there was in 1918 for Mary Ann Penman.

A volunteer opportunity. If someone with a drone could take a picture of the site, it would be greatly appreciated.

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