Pacific Gas & Electric Railroad

Pit One under construction, 1921 — Courtesy of Lola L. Tanner

In 1919, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) announced they were going to spend $100 million building five dams and power plants along the Pit River in eastern Shasta County. PG&E contracted with the McCloud River Railroad to construct and operate the line starting from Bartle. Work began in 1920 connect with Pit One, near Fall River Mills. Pit 3 is probably the best known dam for its creation of Lake Britton—named after PG&E General Manager, John Britton. With the completion of Pit 4, activity of the line greatly diminished since its sole purpose was for construction of the dams to haul equipment and material. By 1929, the line was suspended and in 1934, the rails were removed.

Construction near Pit One, 1921—Courtesy of Lola L. Tanner

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