Ask Tim

North shore of Eagle Lake, 1921. Notice the lack of juniper trees on the hillside. Courtesy of Lola L. Tanner

On a quarterly basis, I ask you the reader, if there is something you would like to learn more about or maybe its something you heard, but question its validity. So here is an opportunity to participate. I will do my best to answer any questions. It should be noted, it may take awhile for the answer to appear as a post. The primary reason, many of the daily posts are done nearly a month in advance. So by the time you read this I am already working on posts for the middle of August, or at least I should be. Whatever the case may be, I look forward to hearing from you. Of course, it should be noted that paid subscribers requests receive priority. In addition, you can always send a request at any time.

2 thoughts on “Ask Tim”

  1. This may be too big question do deal with in a blog post, but: How has the flora and fauna changed since the 1850s? Was there originally more grassland and less sagebrush, and how high was the grass (I remember learning about overgrazing in McKinley Elementary, for some reason)? Were there more big trees, spaced wider apart, before all the logging? Would all the meadows have been wetter and greener because of all the beaver dams? Was the Susan River lined with cottonwoods and willows all the way to Honey Lake? Was the place thick with black bears and mountain lions? Were there grizzlies? Elk?

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