Ask Tim

Main Street, Janesville — January 26, 2020

On a quarterly basis, I ask you the reader, if there is something you would like to learn more about or maybe its something you heard, but question its validity. So here is an opportunity to participate. I will do my best to answer any questions. It should be noted, it may take awhile for the answer to appear as a post. The primary reason, many of the daily posts are done nearly a month in advance. So by the time you read this I am already working on posts for the middle of May, or at least I should be. Whatever the case may be, I look forward to hearing from you. Of course, it should be noted that paid subscribers requests receive priority. In addition, you can always send a request at any time.


2 thoughts on “Ask Tim”

  1. Issac Roop sent a letter to General Clarke, USA, Commander of the Pacific Department., dated 2/12/1860. In the letter Roop mentions papers marked A and marked B apparently as attachements to his letter. Have you seen or do you know what the contents of the paper marked B? If so please share. Refer to Angel’s History of Nevada page 149 for copy of Roop’s letter.

  2. Tim,
    We have taken some of the tours that you were a commentary on and we were shown the wagon train ruts across the desert. Do you have any data/info on how (if any) any of those early settlers arrived in the Susanville area ? Most of your info starts with someone buying land from someone else who owned it before.
    Just wondered if you have any before the before era.

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