Johnstonville Post Office

Johnstonville Post Office cancel

Johnstonville’s close proximity to Susanville hampered its development. Initially, for many years there were only two institutions that existed a school and flour mill. When the Diamond Mountain Creamery was established there, it was an impetuous start for the development of a community. Soon to open was Aaron Hooks blacksmith ship. This was followed by Andrew Spoon’s general store. On November 15, 1902, Spoon had established the Johnstonville Post Office. After a few years Spoon sold out to W.T. Stark in search of new opportunities. On March 3, 1936, Stark’s store, home and along with the post office was destroyed by fire from an overheated chimney. Once reimbursed by insurance all was rebuilt. The post office closed on October 27, 1943. 

Johnstonville Blacksmith Shop


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