The Three E’s

Roosevelt Pool
Remnants of Roosevelt Pool, February 21, 2015

On March 1, 2015, I launched an ambitious program to do a daily blog seven days a week. I know crazy, seven days a week, 365 days a year. For the most part I have delivered, though there have been a few bumps in the road. In the back recesses of my mind, there were the goals to enthuse, educate and explore readers to expand their horizons.

Enthuse – One of the best examples to introduce people to region and get them excited is the annual Sunrise Summer Solstice Tour at Belfast. Attendees are enlightened and excited to learn more about the region.

Educate – Equally, important and this post contains an unusual words that begin with the letter e. To visit a site, but are not informed, is an injustice. Once a person is informed, it provides a whole new perspective.

Explore –  Back in the 1990s, the Bureau of Land Management archaeologist and myself conducted prehistoric/historic tours. It was a popular venue. The current resource manager of the Eagle Lake Office of Bureau of Lonely Men informed me, he was enthusiastic about future endeavors, but it would be a solo endeavor on my part. The bottom line, was during those tours, it was the goal educate the participants and encourage them to do some exploration on their own, with an emphasis to respect and protect sites a person my visit.

Happy Trails!

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